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Hollow Bone Woman


Medicine festival 2023 photo of Faye in front of an oak tree wearing an animal print dress and medicine pouch and talismen around her neck
 Multi-faceted Faye Bradbury offers something powerful and transformative for everyone.

Empowering you across all levels of well being - mental - emotional - spiritual - physical

Faye has extensive and varied life experiences and has done wide ranging and comprehensive training in many disciplines enabling her to bring deep understanding, compassion, humour and skill to her therapies and workshops and retreats. She holds a safe space enabling and empowering you to delve as deeply or as little into yourselves as you feel comfortable.  She is also natural channel for sacred medicine songs and sound and is a ceremonial space holder and medicine songs conduit. Please contact her if you wish her to sing in your ceremonies.


NEWS - Maltese Temple Quest Summer Solstice 2025 - Bookings now open


"The whole experience has changed me forever. All of the temples we worked in were amazing and I have never felt energies like it before. I felt so safe with Faye and Clare and thank them for holding space for us, passing on their vast knowledge." Bernie 2024



Diverse Therapies & Disciplines

sheepskin rug and a table with sound healing tools on it as well as flowers in a vase and a salt lamp

Faye is fully qualified in numerous and various therapies and disciplines as well as possessing gifts from birth that mean she is able to completely connect and tune in to you and your needs.  Check out her offerings under the Therapies tab and if you need help to decide what is right for you have a free, no obligation chat with her.  Offerings include sound healing therapies, shamanic healing disciplines, drum journeys, massage, readings, reiki and more.

What People Are Saying About Faye's Treatments


"I had a sound healing session with Faye a couple of months ago and am still feeling the benefits now. The actual session was beautifully relaxing but the amount of healing that has taken place since has passed my expectations by far! I honestly have never felt so empowered since my healing session with Faye and she is a lovely (and very clever) lady to chat to before hand "


Nikki Barney recommends Faye Bradbury

What People Are Saying About Faye's Happenings

" I know a lot of therapists but Faye is one of the most genuine, heart led and powerful Healers I have had the pleasure to w​ork with. She has helped move me forward on my own path of healing and becoming a therapist as well as helping me free my voice with her workshops and retreats. Highly recommend her services. Authenticity is so important in the Spiritual and Healing community at this time and she is certainly the real deal . Thank you Faye for all you do and all you offer the world x  "

Angie Latham - Sacred Earth Sound Therapy recommends Faye Bradbury

Drum making materials ready in a circle with sheepskins and an altar in the middle

Events, Wo​rkshops & Retreats

Faye holds regular monthly group sound and gong healing journeys in a couple of locations. She is open to being 'hired' for private group sessions.


She also runs various workshops and retreats as well as a personal developmental series of workshops.  One of the regular retreats is her popular Medicine Drum Making, Healing and Releasing retreat. She is open to putting one on if you and a small group of friends would like to do it together. Retreats abroad have started back up and the next one is over the summer solstice in 2024 in Malta. It is called the Maltese Temple Quest which she is co-jointly running with her friend Clare Annaly. This is already fully booked.


Faye holds drum and song circles and ceremonial circles and collaborates with other women to hold women's drum, sound and song ceremonial circles.


She also works at various festivals during the summer months and offers 1:1 and group work both at home in Herefordshire and online.


See her offerings under the Happenings tab

Master Medicine Drum and Tool Maker

Faye has an innate and natural talent for making authentic medicine tools/shamanic tools. She is known for her bespoke, commissioned, one off medicine drums and their intricate backs, rattles, medicine bags and smudge fans that are birthed in ceremony and through a deep connection with the energy of the person she is making it for.  Deep healing occurs on many levels for the client as Faye makes their tool and indeed once they have it . Her drums and rattles reside all over the world. She has been birthing drums since 2009. She is also commissioned to sometimes paint the drum she makes.  Faye has been running authentic medicine drum making retreats since 2011 during which not only is a beautiful drum birthed but deep healing occurs.  Check out her Medicine drum and rattles page and her Happenings page for drum retreat dates

What People Are Saying About Faye's Medicine Tools

"I was with Chief Dancing Thunder at the weekend. He picked up the drum you made me and described it as "a beautiful work of art and a wonderful representation of the deer, the matrix of the universe and the flow of energy"

Greg May  and Chief Dancing Thunder recommend Faye Bradbury

A medicine drum Faye made with an antler handle

What People Are Saying About Faye's Channelled Vocals

"Oh my goodness!  Your voice did something to me that I can't describe properly. I could feel things moving through my body and got images. Powerful images. I feel lighter and like something has shifted from my body. It made me really emotional at one point  because I could feel so much love coming through for me. I don't really understand what you did but wow!"

Nikita Tully recommends Faye Bradbury

Music, Art, Writings

Faye's painting of a deer and corn and daisies on a drum she made

Faye writes from her heart and channels writings too.  


She makes  sacred spirit music through her sound journeys and through vocal channelling where she will sing your soul song and sounds and spirit songs for you and for plant medicine ceremonies that are often without words, just very powerful vibrations of love and healing and often able to shift things energetically for you.  Please contact her if you would like her to hold space and channel medicine songs in your ceremonies.


Faye is also a not too shabby an artist (when she gets the urge to do it!) 

Faye travels Worldwide with her sound work and workshops/retreats if the conditions are right so please contact her to discuss your requirements.

In gratitude

Be all that you can be. Shine your light brightly and others will know that they can follow suit. 

Tipi in a field in front of some trees, Faye Bradbury stood in front of the tipi

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