Faye Bradbury
Faye Bradbury
Sacred Sounds Alchemy

Shamanic Drum & Shamanic Reiki Drum Healing
Shamanic Drum & Shamanic Reiki Drum Healing
Angel thank you so much for today, Sid hasn't stopped smiling, he cannot thank you enough for your beautiful healing and journey he took.... He's feeling so elevated and his feet are incredibly feeling less pain.... He's blown away...thank you angel with all my heart... "
Dawn Norman of Zenith recommends Faye Bradbury

“The drum is the heartbeat. The heartbeat of the Earth we tread upon. It is our own heartbeat, the heartbeat that connects us to all life on this physical plane. It is the first thing we hear and feel whilst in the womb before taking our first breath. It is primal, intrinsic, it connects us to each other, to all other living beings and to our ultimate divinity. It is one of the most ancient sounds and feelings on earth. For it is not just a sound, it is also a feeling. Listen to and feel your heart beating; da-dum, da-dum, da-dum. It is grounding, freeing, full of wisdom, it can transport you into other realms, into your inner sanctity, reconnecting you with your soul, with your core being. It can be used in celebration, wild abandon, ceremony, journeying, for pure pleasure or for releasing and healing. Listen to your heart. Listen to the beat of the drum." © Faye Bradbury 2010
The Reiki Drum Technique is the fusion of Reiki and shamanic medicine drumming. Popular in the United States, where it was formed by Michael Arthur Baird of the Infinite Light Healing Studies Centre, and is known as Reiki Drumming TM.
Reiki Drum Practitioner’s use the drum to introduce Reiki into the client’s body, shifting blockages and re-balancing the energy field. The melding of these two systems means that the energy of the drum becomes gentle, protective and works for the highest good of the client just as in a normal Reiki treatment.
The use of sound through ancient tribal cultures is well known and still practiced in many parts of the world today and modern science now has research supporting the benefits of sound healing, especially through drumming affecting the brain activity to aid with illness, addictions, Alzheimer’s, building self-esteem and healing emotional trauma.

A Reiki Drum Healing Session generally lasts for a shorter period of time than a normal Reiki session. The practitioner may start with hands on Reiki followed by gently drumming over the body of the client and stopping when intuitively guided to do so. Just as Reiki is limitless Love, the intentions for drumming with Reiki and the healings that can take place from them are limitless as well. The drumming is followed by normal hands-on Reiki to help further integrate the healing which has begun through the powerful rhythms of the drum.
During the Spring and Summer months, I work at various outdoor festivals and events offering both taster and full drum healing and journeying sessions. I work from my beautiful bell tent. I also work from a place near Gloucester during the week and on the occasional weekend that I may not be at an event: in the Bell Tent in summer months and in the house during the colder months.
Individual taster consists of either a short shamanic Reiki drum journey or a Reiki drum healing plus feedback.
Individual full session: Powerful opportunity to access the subconscious and unlock blockages, understand and release patterns, allow deep healing to take place etc. Starts with discussion of your needs followed by: hands on healing; Reiki drum healing; shamanic Reiki drum journey to explore and release, realise, allow deep healing to occur as the subconscious mind has been accessed; rattle cleanse; more hands on healing, clearing, calming; feedback often with messages from Spirit etc.
Clinics - for information on pricing