Faye Bradbury
Faye Bradbury
Sacred Sounds Alchemy

Faye's Writings
Faye's Writings
An ongoing series of channelled entries
An ongoing series of channelled entries

Fat Little Mouse Can't Fit Into His House
Fat Little Mouse Can't Fit Into His House
June 2020
Go look at your fennel plants, she whispered yesterday. So she went to look and found that one of her fennel plants was knocked over and something had had a lovely chew of the bulbs and chewed off all the fonds. She suddenly realised as she looked around that the fonds that she had cut off the night before and left on the ground behind the plant pots were no longer there! As she stood there wondering what had eaten them, this cute slimline mouse slinkeled from underneath a black lining and slid into his hole like water disappearing down a drainpipe.... with a grin, she cut a few more fonds off the plants and got a cabbage leaf and popped that there too and a slice of broccoli stem.
This morning, she heard a whisper... go check on Mr Mouse... and so she did. And she giggled inside her as she snuck up to the plants to see Mr Mouse sat outside his hole triple the size that he was the evening before... a round ball sitting in a food coma, in a stupor, looking at her with cute tiny button eyes and long whiskers... sorry for himself because he couldn't fit down his hole. After 3 minutes of sitting looking at her as she quietly talked to him about gluttony and that she was worried he was now going to be exposed and the dogs might come up into the garden, he moved to hide behind the plant on the wall, much to her relief. She left and came back later to check him and saw that he had now hidden underneath the black compost sack that the pots are on.
She did not lop off anymore fonds for him, nor leave him anymore cabbage leaves or broccoli stalks this evening as she knew he would eat the lot and possibly make himself ill or burst and get eaten by a dog or fox because he wouldn't fit down his hole.
Greedy little mouse. Fancy loving fennel! Great for digestion.... lol 🤣until you eat 4 big fonds of it.....
Everything in moderation!
#mouseinthehouse #mouseinthegarden #greedylittlemouse #fennel #cabbage #mouselovesfennel #toomuchofagoodthing #nomnomnom
℗©Faye Bradbury. You may not reproduce, copy, or use any part of my writings, art, photographs, drums, rattles, sounds or tracks without my express and written permission. There may be a small fee for using my work as well as accreditation to me as the artist. Thank you
Sandmartin Haven
Sandmartin Haven
Look over there, she whispered. And so she did and saw 10 perfectly round holes in the side of the river bank. Too high up to be mouse or vole holes. Curious, she sat and watched the holes. Nothing happened. She looked away at the river and watched the swans feeding on duck weed and the heron as he clumsily took off, all legs and neck. Then came a posse of dive bombing, weaving, lightning fast little birds catching bugs over the water.... And as she watched them, smiling to herself, in awe of their dexterity, their speed and tactical manoeuvres, they started to dive straight into the holes in the bank! Sandmartins! Loads of them. And all seeming to not mind which holes they went in to feed their young. Fascinated, she watched them at work.
A week later, she went back and was rewarded to see one of the youngsters poking it's head out of the hole having a good look at its environment. And the parents, still busy, still amazing arial performers.
Be like a sand martin throughout this eclipse season, navigate the energies and the twists and turns adapting fast, fearlessly and with total versatility, courage and trust....
#housemartins #riverbank #riverwye #arieltattoo #birdfighterjets #jets #river #nests
℗©Faye Bradbury. You may not reproduce, copy, or use any part of my writings, art, photographs, drums, rattles, sounds or tracks without my express and written permission. There may be a small fee for using my work as well as accreditation to me as the artist. Thank you

Fields of Buttercups
Fields of Buttercups
Lie down, she whispered, so she did and looked across the field of golden buttercups all open hearted, joyful upturned faces bathing in the sun, the magnificent ancient cedar providing a back drop of gentle feminine, protective strength, a family of gold finches twittering and playing in the trees.
Wrapped up warmly she lay on her stomach marvelling at the beauty of nature, absorbing the energy, the sounds, the peace, allowing the earth to hold her. Thankful.
It is possible to create your own heaven, your own utopia here on earth... Even if just for a few minutes at a time. Being open hearted, dropping into the stillness of your heart, sitting and observing, becoming one with the breath of our earth, absorbing her bountiful beauty... Allowing all your senses to really take it all in to your soul, you find a place of balance, of peace, of joy.
#healing #heavenisonearth #utopia #fieldsofgold #buttercups #goldfinches #cedartree #lebanesecedar #beauty #innerpeace
℗©Faye Bradbury. You may not reproduce, copy, or use any part of my writings, art, photographs, drums, rattles, sounds or tracks without my express and written permission. There may be a small fee for using my work as well as accreditation to me as the artist. Thank you
This is Poppy Little Miss Piggy
This is Poppy Little Miss Piggy
21 March 2021
This is Poppy
Poppy is a Dartmoor pony.
Dartmoor ponies are a little less spiteful than Shetland ponies... Thankfully.
Poppy is 26 years old.
Poppy is sweet... Until she isn't.
Poppy knows her own mind.
Doesn't she look happy in these photos!
It didn't last.
Poppy escaped from her paddock.
Poppy the escape artist. She found the most unlikely way of escaping her paddock.
Through a small gap in a 10 foot wide yew tree hedge.
The Houdini of the Dartmoors.
Yew is about death and rebirth... She pops through the hedge from a paddock of a certain grass supply and is rebirthed into a pony Nirvana of unlimited sweet grass and trotting off to wherever she likes.
The 2nd time she escaped was a win win situation for her because she got put in the stable.
With water.
And...The biggest win... Fresh, sweet hay.
Poppy loves food.
Poppy's nickname is Little Miss Piggy... LMP
Faye is now Dartmoor pony enemy number 1.
She had the barefaced cheek to fence off the yew hedge whilst LMP was guzzling hay and feeling smug in the stable.
Little Miss Piggy, when returned to her paddock the 2nd time, smugly sauntered very casually off down the hedge line. Until she reached her gap in the hedge.
And saw she could no longer access it.
Oh my.
The ensuing tantrum was a spectacle to behold.
Little Miss Piggy was sooooo pissed off with Faye that she has spent the last 2 days behaving like a spiteful Shetland around her... Bitey, bitey, bumpy grum.
Faye is apologetic but unbending.
LMP has decided Faye is actually a bitch hiding behind those honeyed words and gentle energy and oh sweet, such sweet pats.
Faye is waiting to see how long this strop lasts.
LMP snorts and shows her teeth again. .
Faye loves LMP Poppy
Photo credits: Amelia 🙂
#naughtypony #mischievouspony #dartmoorpony #escapee #houdini #stroppy #thwarted #foiled #pony #ponies #field #paddock #yewhedge #yewtree #funny
℗©Faye Bradbury. You may not reproduce, copy, or use any part of my writings, art, photographs, drums, rattles, sounds or tracks without my express and written permission. There may be a small fee for using my work as well as accreditation to me as the artist. Thank you

Self Love
Self Love
02 May 2018
Maybe it is all about making peace within yourself...
Working through the hurt, the upset, the subsequent anger that buries that deep wound beneath her fiery energy;
Maybe it is all about coming to a realisation that it really might not matter so much anyway,
Once the healing on yourself has been activated,
Never completely done, but working on it all,
Sifting through,
Sending love to bits of broken you,
Skeletons dragged out from behind iron walls around your heart,
Masked manequins dancing behind your eyes,
Love knocking itself out as it buffets and cries to be released from behind the steel curtains protecting your soul... so you think... <3
Wings of energy that carry your love to the hidden realms of your heart... Should you let them in... just let them in, just let them in.....
Transported upon trust,
Legacies of love forgotten,
As you avoid looking at yourself in the mirror... turn around dear, turn around....it is not so bad...
Maybe it is all about making peace within yourself.
℗©Faye Bradbury. You may not reproduce, copy, or use any part of my writings, art, photographs, drums, rattles, sounds or tracks without my express and written permission. There may be a small fee for using my work as well as accreditation to me as the artist. Thank you

The sagas of Mr Mole.
The sagas of Mr Mole.
June 2019
The sagas of Mr Mole... my resident Glastonbury Healing Fields Tipi mole.
I arrive on Sunday before Glastonbury festival commences and the tipi is set up. In go the tarps for the floor leaving exposed grass in the middle of the tipi in case I need to make a fire. On top of the tarps go the many rugs and then all my kit leaving the most room for my treatments at the back opposite the door. A lovely space of rugs and cushions ready for my clients.
Morning one... Monday morning. I am awoken at stoopid o'clock by cold, wet dripping on my head. It rained really heavily all night and now the rain is dripping on my rugs and head. 05:30am. So I get up and redirect all the drips down the poles apart from the dripping from the rope tying the poles together... guess where they were landing... yup... my head and main rugs. I eventually sorted it and fell back to sleep....
...only to be woken up a couple of hours later by very loud rustling over near my food stash.... I lay quietly in bed wondering if it were a mouse or rat in my food bags, praying it wasn't, watching where I thought the noise was coming from... then all of a sudden, there came loud rustling, 2 giant heaves and my kettle flew off my cooker! Then more heaves and my cooker started to rock on it's stool... at which point I spoke quite loudly and jumped out of bed wondering what on earth was doing that! All went silent.
After some minutes, I gingerly picked up the corner of the tarp to see if there was anything there, ready to jump out of the tipi should a mouse or rat appear. I could not see anything. Placing the tarp down carefully I then proceeded to forget about it. Until....
...Tuesday mid morning... the rustling and heaving started over by the tipi door on the opposite side... then the exposed earth started to heave a bit. The penny dropped! I had a mole!! It was a MOLE!! Lol...🙃🤭 I went outside and there at the edge of the tipi was a molehill... the hard evidence! Lol...
... then I started to fret about being on his territory... until...
... I was treating a lady and after the treatment she asked me what I had been doing to her foot... had I touched or held her foot?
"Errrr... yeah... no!" Was my wide eyed reply.
"Well, something was definitely moving under my foot!" she said...
...Another penny dropped and I started to giggle....
"Aaah! That would have been Mr Glastonbury Tipi Mole!" And I told her what had happened in the previous couple of days. We both sat laughing. 🤣
The next night I went out partying and came in in the early hours of the morning. Now, I had taken to sleeping on the floor where I treat my clients as the bed thing was so darned uncomfortable that I had to roll off it onto the floor every morning to unlock my back. Not a great look! 😉
So there I am, just about to doze off and all of a sudden something heaved right under my left underarm area and proceeded to tunnel all down my left side and back up again ... talk about mole meridians clearing... 🤣💜 I was so knackered that I just lay there and allowed the experience to happen. It made me smile as, if, as I do, you believe in omens and messages, this was one heck of a message for me. Moles are pretty much blind but have acute sensitivity and senses and live in the dark, occasionally popping up into the light. But they do not need the light to survive, they operate from their senses and have strong spade like hands. And more. If interested, look mole up in the spirit guide texts!
What a blessing!
I then proceeded to warn most of my clients that if anything moved underneath them or around them, it was just Mr Glastonbury Tipi Mole... they took some convincing... most thought I was winding them up.... lol... which amused me no end, especially when he made an appearance... 🤣
Cut to a double drum journey to find an animal spirit guide. I 'forgot' to tell them about the Mr Glastonbury Tipi Mole saga but I was directed to say that they may not even be shown an animal in their actual journey but everything that happens is for a reason and we would talk when they came out of it... one came back with an animal, the other did not have an animal... in her journey.... BUT...
... you guessed who made his appearance right?!!! Lol... Mr Glastonbury Tipi Mole... had been budging her right side up by her head.... talk about a clear indication of the animal that wants to be your guide for the moment! You couldn't write it!! 💜
I had a couple more incidents with him charging up and down the place where I was treating clients. He stayed with me the entire time I was there. The warmth from the bodies creating moisture and the entrapment of all the insects and slugs and worms in that top layer under that tarp created an absolute banquet for Mr Glastonbury Tipi Mole!!
I believe he must have been so plump by the end of that week that he could have gotten stuck for a few days in his home as his burrows would be too narrow for his chubby little body to get through 🤣🤣🤣
Bet he can't wait for me to return next year 🤣💜💜
When I deconstructed on the monday, there was a maze of disrupted earth all underneath the parts where my clients had been and where I had been sleeping. I just laughed and laughed. Such an incredible gift and saga to take with me on my journeys. ❤
#mole #glastonburyfestival2019 #glastonburyhealingfields #moletherapy #meridians #healing #shamanichealing #shamanicsoundjourneys #loveisallthereis #animalmagic #iloveglastonburyfestival #healingfields #greenfields
℗©Faye Bradbury. You may not reproduce, copy, or use any part of my writings, art, photographs, drums, rattles, sounds or tracks without my express and written permission. There may be a small fee for using my work as well as accreditation to me as the artist. Thank you

Ancestral Women's Lament and Gift
Ancestral Women's Lament and Gift
April 17th 2017
This channelled piece was gifted to those of us that are here transmuting the pain of women by one of my medicine women guides:
Sinking ever deeper into multi-dimensional timelines she channels the pain, the hurt, the deep woundings of millions of women, women who for eons have wept their soul lament within, deeply buried, hidden beneath layers upon layers of strength and exhaustion.
To all my sisters, we gift to you the freedom to just be, the freedom of expression, the freedom to grieve and the freedom of release.
May you find joy within.
May you find peace within.
May you take strength from our Ancestors and each other.
Be bold.
Be beautiful.
Be your authentic selves.
Be love.
Love yourselves and one another.
I love you.
We love you.
I stand in my power.
I share with you my heart, my soul as I lay it bare for all to hear, channelling the oldest versions of myself from lifetimes past, blending and weaving voice with drum and flute and percussion instruments and pure love, heartbreak, laughter, joy and tears, sending out healing.
Let me take you on a journey beyond journeys on the wind of my breath, on the exhalation of my truths, as boundless, as ancient, as old as Mother Time herself.
Be bold.
Be courageous.
Be beautiful.
Be your authentic selves.
I see you.
℗©Faye Bradbury. You may not reproduce, copy, or use any part of my writings, art, photographs, drums, rattles, sounds or tracks without my express and written permission. There may be a small fee for using my work as well as accreditation to me as the artist. Thank you

Purity Flame Invocation
Purity Flame Invocation
April 2020
This is helpful for these tricky times. From Robert Christensen:
-I Now invoke the Purity Flame to cleanse, clear, vitalize, strengthen and fortify my energy field within me and all around me.
- I Now invoke the Purity Flame to bring me into Truth and Wholeness as One Whole Being of Light for my Absolute Highest and Best.
- I Now invoke the Purity Flame to blaze before me and make Way the path of Grace and Glory.
- I AM the Purity Flame in action Now.
- I AM Purity made manifest.
- I AM Purity of Mind, Body and Spirit Here and Now, Always and Forever More
Call upon the Purity Flame during these great times of transformation. The Purity Flame contains all 12 Sacred Alchemical Rays so when you call upon it and welcome it into your Energy Field you will be sure to receive the necessary energies, geometries and Light Codes for you to grow and expand. This will give you a full balanced spectrum as what you need each day will change so you can use the same mantra and invocation daily and rest assured you will get exactly what you need.