Faye Bradbury
Faye Bradbury
Sacred Sounds Alchemy

Vocal Channelling and Sounding
Please do subscribe to my channels if it resonates with you as I will be utilising them more and creating things for you to support you through these times.
℗©Faye Bradbury. You may not reproduce, copy, or use any part of my writings, art, photographs, drums, rattles, sounds or tracks without my express and written permission. There may be a small fee for using my work as well as accreditation to me as the artist. Thank you
Women's Sound and Drum Circle - Live & Raw
Women's Sound and Drum Circle - Live & Raw
This is a beautiful 40 plus minutes extract of a collaborative Women's Circle sound journey and drum circle that myself and Angie Latham of Sacred Earth Sound Therapy held last March before we got locked down.
The first half is entirely channelled from spirit.
1. Faye on the Native North American style flute, channelled for the beautiful group of ladies.
2. Angie singing channelled vocals with her heart crystal bowl.
3. Faye singing channelled spirit vocals.
4. High Native North American style flute channelled by Faye.
5. Then Faye channelling vocally with the monochord and Angie harmonizing with the download.
Second half: Faye, Angie and the ladies having fun.
1. Drum and vocals Angie and Faye. "Open your heart".. the ladies start to join in
2. "Mother I feel you" and the ladies sorting themselves out ;-)
3. "The river is flowing"
4. "Mother I feel you"
5. "The river is flowing"
6. Free flow drumming
7. Free flow channelled singing Angie
8. "Calling" a song written by Faye Bradbury in 2019
9. "Strong woman's song" Faye calling, Faye and Angie answering and the ladies also joining in
We hold monthly Women's Circles of sound bath and drum over in Castle Morton, near Malvern, both on the common and in a village hall. Check out my fb group for details.
The Blue Isle
Channelled after our Women's Sound and Drum Circle in March 2020, this took me to rugged lands on remote northern isles with crystal blue seas, cold winds and white sands... where the dolphins play and the whales feed and the mountains plunge into the sea with their colonies of gregarious seabirds wheeling, diving, a cacophony of sound and sight.
*If anyone knows who the photographer is of the cover photo, please tell me so I can credit them. Thanks
Wild Woman Free
Tapping in to the divinity of the feminine and the more masculine part of the feminine bringing strength and light and passion and gentleness in the same breaths... blending, soaring, entwining together... separate, together, single, coupled, flowing and ebbing... the freedom of expression of the heart song.
Unashamedly You
Divine feminine channelled at the beginning of Feb 2020. Raw, unaltered channelled vocal and RAV. As always, imperfectly perfect, all about the resonance, the vibration. I was just having a little play try around on the RAV and this came through. Have the courage to be Unashamedly You... if you even touch one person's heart, it will be worth the vulnerability, the exposure <3
Heart Meditation
2019 was the year of completion. A 12 year. 12 is the number of completion. The end of a decade. Full circle. The last 3 months of the year were spent collectively purging the old paradigms on individual and collective levels.
This is a channelled sound meditation that I have created to activate and soothe the heart... it not a studio production, just one that I have put together :-) My first one layering stuff and playing around. It is also a thank you to the people that have supported my sound meditations and one to one channelled sound healings this year <3
Channelled and produced by Faye Bradbury, Sacred Sounds.
F crystal heart bowl
C crystal Base bowl
Water chimes
Channelled vocals
Cicades and birdsong recorded in Aotearoa in March 2019
Sparrow song and church bells recorded in Malta in June 2019
Please do subscribe to my channel if it resonates with you as I will be utilising it more and creating things for you to support you through these times. <3
Channelled Healing Sound meditation
Warming up before the Channelled healing Sound Meditation on 10th Feb 2019. The acoustics in the studio in Hereford are amazing. This was an Ancestral voice being channelled through me. The energies that night were fantastic.
Clear Space Studios S​ound Meditation April 2019
Sound healing session
With channelled vocals and the shruti box. The person being channelled was an Eastern Indian man dressed in an orange shirt and white skirt. He was old, hence the shakiness of the voice on occasion. Then he got really strong at one point. It was primarily sounding for the voice chakra, the throat. AYE. The feeling of him singing through me was sublime, peaceful and joyful at the same time. I am not very adept with making videos so please forgive the way none of it blends together. Am going to go and get someone to teach me!
Joint channelling session from Hoarwithy Church
Channelled fun in a church. Faye on vocals and flute and Steve Cloudsong on hand pan. We were in there playing around for hours. Lush it was! Lol. The video is of a recent trip of mine to the magnificent Aotearoa
Drum Journey
On this winter day, on the 4th day of the new 3 vibration year of 2019. This is a video, not a photo, full of the energies of the ancient land and trees that live from her, of the ancient energies of the oak tree I was sat upon... Sitting on the ancient old oak gazing out towards more ancient old oaks and chestnut trees, feeling cocooned, held, as I drum to journey on the energy and the embrace, on the heart beat and the breath of these old wise tall standing ones. Breathe. Travel to realms unseen even if for some moments. Blessed are we, the artists, the poets, the dancers, the healers, the musicians, we dance with joy for the work we do. Please ask permission if you wish to share or use this. Thank you. Love xx
'Stand up to the power of the mountain'
Was bought to my drum circle in May 2018, by a beautiful soul, Lewis. We sounded like angels singing it, so I recorded it for the people that did not make circle that month to learn if they were so inclined in readiness for our future circles. I believe the song comes from the Rainbow Gatherings. It is really lovely. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did.