Faye Bradbury
Faye Bradbury
Sacred Sounds Alchemy

Reiki Master Teacher & Spiritual Intuitive Healer
Reiki Master Teacher & Spiritual Intuitive Healer

Reiki Healing
Reiki is a system of natural healing which has been in use for many thousands of years. Rei-Ki means spiritual energy or universal life-force energy. At an atomic level everything which exists in the Universe is made up of energy vibrating at different rates. Humans are also comprised of electromagnetic energy and in healing Reiki acts holistically, affecting all the energies comprising the human body, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Reiki is non-invasive and has been shown to effectively stimulate the relaxation response.
There are 3 main levels of Reiki. The first level is Reiki 1 in which you will learn about energy, chakras (energy points in the body), Reiki history and etiquette etc and are then attuned to Reiki 1. Reiki 1 is
primarily used for self-healing but may be practiced on family and friends with no charge. After some months of practice you will then have the opportunity to proceed to Level II. You will be attuned to Level II and taught some more indepth knowledge about Reiki and healing. At this point, you will be able to practice the Reiki II, initially supervised, upon the public.
Please contact me if you are interested in finding out more and in being attuned to Reiki. I will be running regular courses. Reiki I is a two day course followed by a meet up approximately 22 days later to check your progress, answer questions, exchange Reiki and present you with your certificates. If you and some friends wish to do this, please contact me as I can be flexible and arrange the course to try to suit your needs. Thank you.
Reiki attunements - please follow link
Reiki Treatments - please follow link
High Vibrational Channelled (Trance) Spiritual Healing
I was born with the natural gift of channelling healing energies. I work with various guides; both mine and yours; and Source, Angelic Realms, Galactic Realms and so forth to channel healing. This normally is a hands on approach, with your consent, but may take other forms. I often use sacred herbs and the voice in my practice as guided to do so. I may also use sound, vocally and use the drum, rattles, flute, and bells. Sound is a perfect medium for shifting stuck energy and calming energy down. Basically, I will do what I am guided to do by whichever Spirit Guide is with me at the time. It is a safe, non intrusive session full of strength, love and compassion.
I do NOT claim to be able to heal you of anything; that is not my place as I am merely channelling the healing energies. These energies will go where Spirit or your Guides see fit. You will, however, feel more relaxed and hopefully uplifted following the session.
I am insured with and an affiliated member of the HPAI (Healer Practioner Association International) and a fully qualified Spiritual Healer. I trained with the Monmouth Healers
Clinics - please follow link